The long-awaited fourth instalment of the ‘Bad Boys’ franchise, “Bad Boys: Ride or Die,” is set to hit theatres across the U.S. on June 7. Directed by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, this action-comedy brings back the dynamic duo Will Smith and Martin Lawrence alongside an array of new and returning faces. The latest trailer has generated a buzz not only for its thrilling sequences but also for the surprising cameos of two of Miami’s biggest sports icons—Jimmy Butler and Lionel Messi.
Adding to the film’s allure is its star-studded soundtrack, set to be released digitally by Epic Records on June 7. The album features an eclectic mix of artists, including Jamaican stars Sean Paul and Shenseea, who bring their unique dancehall vibes to the collection. Sean Paul collaborates with Will Smith on “Light Em Up” and teams up with Trueno on “Bad Boys.” Shenseea, currently promoting her 14-track sophomore album ‘Never Gets Late Here,’ partners with rapper Myke Towers on the track “Bam Bam.” This diverse soundtrack, featuring contributions from the Black Eyed Peas, Becky G, BIA, and more, promises to be as dynamic and energetic as the film itself.
In a delightful twist, the movie trailer opens with a playful subplot involving Jimmy Butler, a star player contemplating a move away from the Miami Heat. To the surprise of fans, he ends up at the doorstep of Smith and Lawrence’s characters, seeking to join the ‘Bad Boys‘ squad. This leads to a humorous training sequence, with Smith and Lawrence coaching Butler, who eventually decides to return to his basketball career. Adding to the fun, Lionel Messi, another Miami superstar, makes a brief, comical appearance, mistakenly knocking on the wrong door in his search for the ‘Bad Boys.’ These amusing cameos are a clever nod to the stars’ real-life roles in Miami, adding an extra layer of excitement for fans.
With the release of “Bad Boys: Ride or Die,” fans can look forward to a thrilling cinematic experience that blends action, comedy, and star power. The addition of Jimmy Butler and Lionel Messi’s cameos, coupled with a powerhouse soundtrack featuring some of today’s hottest musical talents, ensures this film will be a memorable summer blockbuster.