In a captivating fusion of artistry and academia, Professor Donna P. Hope, alongside The Dancehall Archive and Research Initiative Team, is set to launch the groundbreaking bilingual book Dancehall Queen: Erotic Subversion/Subversión Erótica. Scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 6 pm, the event promises to be a vibrant celebration of Jamaican culture and its global impact. The venue, The MECA, Marketplace, situated at 67 Constant Spring Road, will serve as the dynamic backdrop for this auspicious occasion.
At the heart of this literary endeavour lies the enigmatic Dancehall Queen phenomenon, which has transcended borders since its emergence in 1992. From the iconic 1997 film “Dancehall Queen” to the International Dancehall Queen Competition, the cultural significance of dancehall has expanded to encompass continents, with competitions and enthusiasts spanning Europe, the Americas, Asia, and beyond. This bilingual book emerges as evidence of Jamaican dancehall culture’s enduring allure and impact.
A collaborative effort between The Dancehall Archive and Research Initiative led by Professor Donna P. Hope and FIEBRE Ediciones represented by Carla Lamoyi, Dancehall Queen: Erotic Subversion/Subversión Erótica exemplifies the spirit of cross-cultural exchange between Jamaica and Mexico. Notably, it marks the first publication dedicated to this fascinating facet of Jamaican culture, presented in both English and Spanish. By bridging linguistic divides, the book aims to make Jamaican culture accessible to the vast Spanish-speaking audience, numbering nearly 600 million globally. With its reach extending to almost 30 countries, facilitated by the networks of the dancehall industry and reggae music, Dancehall Queen emerges as a cultural ambassador on the global stage.
Renowned cultural entrepreneur, author, and broadcaster Clyde McKenzie has been confirmed as the guest speaker for the launch, offering insights into the seminal role of the Dancehall Queen in Jamaican culture. Attendees can acquire copies of the book at the University Bookshop, Mona Campus, or via email at, with Kindle versions available on Amazon.