Outspoken entertainer and Podcaster Patrick ‘Curly Loxx’ Gaynor, of the renowned duo Twin of Twins, has voiced his disapproval of the recent announcement of a generous salary increase for politicians. The increase is part of the Jamaican Government’s restructuring of public service compensation.
Curly Loxx expressed his disappointment with the situation, stating that it is unfair that public servants have to continually ask and wait for pay increases while politicians seem to be granted them without having to undergo the same process. He also criticized the Government’s lack of humanity and argued that society is becoming increasingly unbalanced.
The Finance Minister, Dr Nigel Clarke, presented the details of the new pay scale to the House of Representatives earlier this week. Under the new system, members of parliament will receive a salary of just over J$14 million from next April, while the Prime Minister will be paid approximately J$30 million. However, Curly Loxx believes that the Government needs to do better and lead fairly and impartially.
He called on the Government to prioritize equity and to understand that it is not just about political advancement. He explained that he has no specific issue with any political party but simply wants the best for his country and its citizens. He wants to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves or do not know what to say or how to say it.