Renowned actress Marguerite Newland, celebrated for her iconic portrayal of Miss Joyce in the enduring television series Royal Palm Estate, which debuted on CVM-TV in 1994, has passed away at 71. She died on September 25th at a hospital in Mandeville, leaving behind a legacy that spans decades.
Marguerite Newland’s journey in the world of entertainment began in the early 1970s when she joined the radio department of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS). During her tenure at this state-run agency, she became a notable figure, contributing educational segments to various programs that covered government health, the National Insurance Scheme, safety, and magazine content.
Following her tenure at JIS, Newland ventured into the realm of advertising. Additionally, she served as the human resources manager at Mediamix. Newland’s role as Miss Joyce in Royal Palm Estate became an integral part of her legacy. She also made notable appearances as the spirited immigration officer in an episode of the television comedy series “Oliver At Large” and as Mimi in “Glory To Gloriana,” a 2006 film directed by Little-White.
Marguerite Newland is remembered as a consummate professional by her colleagues. She had a profound command of her talent, and her ability to interpret roles and maintain the character over the years was among her most remarkable attributes.
Funeral arrangements for this iconic Jamaican actress are expected to be announced soon.